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A comprehensive sustainability strategy has been developed that will maximise the economic, social and environmental benefits from the project.

There are a number of themes that underpin our approach to creating a high-quality, sustainable employment park:

Sensitive landscaping

We will create an attractive landscape setting that sensitively links Peddimore with the surrounding area, and provides attractive, safe and accessible walking and cycling routes as well as wildlife habitats rich in biodiversity. Sustainable Urban Drainage systems will be integrated into the landscape which will be designed to adapt to a changing climate.

Existing landscape and ecological features will be protected as far as possible, including mature trees and hedgerows. An expanded and improved Peddimore Brook will run through the heart of a 40m-60m wide green corridor that runs through Peddimore, creating a wildlife corridor that links to the open countryside beyond.

Energy and carbon emissions

Ensuring that buildings deliver the best possible environmental performance is an important part of making Peddimore an attractive destination for business. IM Properties is committed to reducing carbon by 36% across the Zone 1 development. The buildings will be designed to support a range of innovative sustainability measures including ‘smart grid’ technology; combining roof mounted PV cells and battery technology to generate renewable energy on site and maximising its use within the building to reduce reliance on the national grid.

Improving air quality

A range of measures will be deployed to reduce emissions which include; creating green and blue infrastructure, embracing smart technologies and prioritising sustainable modes of transportation.

Resource efficiency

Minimising resource consumption is one of our main ambitions and this will be reflected during the construction and operation of Peddimore. Reducing waste and maximising recycling rates will be a strong focus for the construction process as well the inclusion of measures to reduce water consumption during the operational phase of development.

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