Looking for business space at Peddimore?

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a great place


Delivering new transport infrastructure

A major gateway to Peddimore will be created on the A38 to connect Peddimore and the adjacent Langley Urban Extension to the local and national road network.

This access point will be designed to accommodate modern, sustainable public transport and HGV freight vehicles. It will provide safe and effective crossings for pedestrians and cyclists into and around the development. The junction will be designed as a landmark entrance to the site and to reflect Peddimore’s status as a leading business destination.

Promoting sustainable travel

Sustainable travel that prioritises walking, cycling and public transport from the outset is central to our vision for Peddimore during both the construction and operation of the site. Our travel strategy and green transport plan will seek to link where feasible to existing city initiatives and will also set out best practice guidelines for both private and commercial vehicles journeying to and from Peddimore.

We will explore how Mobility as a Service (MaaS) technology could potentially be used to reduce private car usage and provide ease of access to on-demand transport services.

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